Terms-n-Conditions — Singers Marin

Singers Marin Terms and Conditions

Photo Release

Singers Marin reserves the right to use a singer’s likeness in a photograph, video or other digital media or voice on our website, Facebook, or other social media, brochure or other publications.

Singers Marin reserves the right to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish or distribute them for any legal purpose.

Singers Marin will never post a singer’s name without written permission.

Singers Marin Waiver & Protocol

Anyone experiencing any COVID-19, cold or flu-like symptoms is asked not to attend rehearsals or concerts. Please follow guidelines set by Marin County HHS and your physician as to when it is safe to return to indoor rehearsals.

In registering to sing with Singers Marin, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure of COVID-19 or any other contagious disease.

Singers Marin Wardrobe

Concert wardrobe is a Board decision. Currently, all singers wear the same black top available for purchase at a cost of less than $30 for Winter & Spring concerts. If attire is modified for events or travel, the board will inform singers. Singers Marin is always available for financial help.

Singers Guidelines

Regular attendance at rehearsals, practicing your music, and performing at the season's concert are key to a successful chorus and are expected. In alignment with our mission to bring joy to the community, we typically perform each season at additional community events (such as retirement homes) and we ask for your participation. promptly and ready to start at that time. Respect for everyone is fundamental and we ask you to practice that during our rehearsals.

In our commitment to support your successful participation, Section Leaders, who are a liaison to the Music Director, are available to guide your learning and assist with specific challenging areas through dedicated section rehearsals. In addition, singing resources (audio recorded practice tracks, rehearsal recordings in various format) are available.

Cancellation Policy

After 1 rehearsal: 100% refund.

After 2 rehearsals: 50% refund.