Mission — Singers Marin

Our Mission

“Make a difference in our community by spreading the joy of choral singing”

Singers Marin has been making choral music in Marin County, California for over 35 years. We are an SSA/SATB non-auditioned community chorus run by volunteer singers. We have three concert seasons: a holiday/winter concert in early December, a spring concert in early May and a shorter summer season with much lighter repertoire in mid-August.

Equally important to making beautiful music is the development of camaraderie that occurs in coming together.

Singers Marin will fulfill its mission through

Artistry, Access, and Service:


  • Creating choral music of exceptional artistic quality

  • Presenting concert seasons for the enjoyment of the general public

  • Performing repertoire of diversified musical styles


  • Offering opportunities for both amateur and professional singers

  • Providing a musical education for participants of all ages and levels

  • Coming together and form a common bond through the joy of singing

  • Never turning away an eager singer for lack of funds


  • Being one of Marin's finest community arts organizations

  • Serving the community through charitable performances

  • Sharing the gift of song with the elderly and confined